Tree To Table – Quality All The Way
Yalla-y-poora Grove's Australian Demeter Bio-Dynamic practices ensure that only the very best, most tasty extra virgin olive arrives on your table & in your kitchen.
All phases of grove management are directed to:
- ensuring the soil in our grove is bio-dynamically active,
- growing & managing healthy trees in that soil,
- harvesting the olives at the optimum time with our own tree shaker,
- immediate cold processing in our modern "frantoio" (olive mill) to produce the very best biodynamic extra virgin olive oil,
- storage of our EVOO in stainless steel tanks then,
- after settling, packaging into dark green bottles and/or “bag in box” containers
and are carried out on-site at our grove, so that we can maintain the highest levels of quality control throughout the entire process.
Then, if you order from us we ship direct to you the most tasty, highest quality, Demeter certified Bio-Dynamic Extra Virgin Olive Oil direct from our trees to your table. Produce kilometres are zero when its ready to leave the grove.
We also distribute our produce through Bio-Dynamic Marketing, a wholesale distributor of Demeter certified bio-dynamic produce to independent green grocers, whole food & health food stores.